The beginnings of what would become the basis for the “Group” CHI LION came with the meeting of two Souls, in the Persons of Anwar Bilal Kinté and a young, beautiful Asian woman who goes by the name of Mary Olive. The two of us hit it off very well from the start, as we discussed our shared and similar experiences as people trying to deal in this world, and our struggles. Through our several meetings at the Yoga studio, we soon got to see and know each other as friendly, creative people. Both of us are musicians and artists in some respects. Not long after I restarted my music activities, composing, singing, playing, with the help and guidance of my music studio engineer/producer/Yoga teacher, I sent some songs to Mary which I had specifically chosen. I felt that these songs would resonate within her somehow and that Mary would relate to the music I had composed decades ago. Mary took these songs to heart, decorating and enhancing them, adding her virtuoso piano skills and some soft vocals, both of which I want to showcase under the moniker, which I have appropriately called CHI LION SOUL. Mary has also shown her talents in other areas, as a craftsperson on the Etsy, Patreon, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest platforms and her YouTube channel, “serene today”. Qi, pronounced “CHI” means “life force,” the energy that powers our body and spirit. The LION refers to my Zodiac Sign, and also to the LION (King of the Beasts or of the Jungle) being considered a being of Royalty (Imperial). Based on the Original Master Tapes, Mary and I have added a freshly-updated treatment to concepts held at the time of Creation. Anwar’s solo piano, which is uncomplicated, interplays well with Mary’s expert playing touch. Plans are made for a collection of the four songs we worked on to be released in 2022, featuring those tunes from the last Century, all with their own Stories behind them, including the afore-mentioned WEDDING DAY from 1988. Not certain whether Mary and I will work together again, but this

group of songs is a forerunner (or Harbinger) of things to come. The entire Basis and Concept of CHI LION is the POWER and ENERGY produced with the Union of the DIVINE MALE and FEMALE. This Collection is a fitting beginning to the creative explosion that will become more evident and DYNAMIC in 2022 with the Introduction of The MINISTRY.


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